Please find a call for participants below:
I am writing to ask for your help in distributing the attached survey which has been designed to capture experiences of the use of ‘chemical restraints’ (including prescribed medicines, vaccines and other illicit drugs) in the context of domestic abuse.
The University of Bristol, with Women’s Aid, have been commissioned by the Oak Foundation to carry out research into coercive control, including the use of medicines or drugs as part of coercively controlling domestic abuse. The research is led by Professor Marianne Hester, with Sarah-Jane Walker (University of Bristol), Lizzie McCarthy and Lisa Johnson (Women’s Aid).
We are seeking input from people who are over the age of 18 who have experienced coercive control from an intimate partner or ex-partner (e.g. husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, civil partner) whether currently or in the past. We would like to hear from people of all genders, ages, sexual orientations, nationalities and ethnicities. We are seeking information specifically on experiences of coercive control where the perpetrator has included the use or misuse of medicines in their abuse, for example, withholding or denying access to prescribed medicines or treatment (including vaccinations and birth control methods) and other drugs (including illegal drugs).
The online survey is completely anonymous, we will not be collecting any personal details or information on the survey. However, we are giving people a choice of completing this online survey OR taking part in an online or telephone interview. At the beginning of the survey there is a link to a separate, short form where people can provide safe contact details if they wish to take part in an interview.
The survey will be open until the end of September 2021 and we would be extremely grateful if you could disseminate the link through your networks.
Many thanks and best wishes,
Sarah-Jane Walker (on behalf of the research team)