The recording of this fascinating session is available here. Once the reports that were covered in the presentations are published we will share links to them through our Twitter and on our website and newsletter.
During the session, a few resources were requested or cited:
- Kathryn Royal’s slides are available here. The briefing from the research Kathryn presented has now been published and is available here.
- Kathryn has also shared Surviving Economic Abuse’s: resources for victim-survivors and for professionals which can be found here; International network on economic abuse can be found here; and there’s more information about their free series of webinars here, the topics and dates are listed below:
- Privately owned housing – 2nd December, 2pm-4pm
- Banking – 10th December, 10am-12pm
- Covid-19 – 11th December, 10am-11:15am
- Police – 15th December, 2pm-4pm
- Economic abuse and children – 16th December, 1pm-3pm
- After Katrin Hohl and Kelly Johnson’s presentation Emma asked “We are currently looking at repeat victims and repeat offenders, have you explored this? as part of this we will be looking at effectiveness of DVPOS and DVPNs.” Katrin Hohl replied “Yes we have look at repeats. I focussed on repeats within the same victim-suspect dyad. Most forces in our study saw a decrease in calls for service from high repeat (5+ incidents in the past 2.5 years), and some saw an increase in early repeat relationships (1-2 incidents in the past 2.5 years)”
- Nicky Lambert shared – I’m a Mental health nurse educator if anyone wants to contribute in any way to nurse education on this topic let me know n.lambert@mdx.ac.uk
- In relation to June Brawner and Camille Stengel’s research:
- To receive notice of publication and a copy of the report, or for any other media inquiries, contact Nwabundo Okoh: nwabundo@justicestudio.org
- For Solace Women’s Aid media inquiries, contact Shaista Aziz: S.Aziz@solacewomensaid.org
- Presenter contact details:
- Dr June Brawner June@justicestudio.org
- Dr Camille Stengel c.stengel@gre.ac.uk